Homesteading Camps at Twin Folk Farms

W7609 320th Ave. Hager City, WI 54014

Darla’s cell: 715-317-0937

We understand! You long for your kiddos to experience the hands on, down-on-the-farm, holistic lifestyle but don’t have the land or time. Check out our day camps below!

Pick and choose between the camps that fit your schedule and interest. All camps are offered right here on the farm. You can either drop off your child or stay and learn alongside us. Darla is the main camp leader, and her five kids as ‘camp counsellors’. They are FULL of ideas! Depending on the class, you’ll see other experts in the field (Kayla, the herbalist twin, etc).

Note from Darla: I’ve had many years experience of motherhood, daycare, fostering, and homeschooling. I love kids! I delight in sharing my love of all things homesteading with your little people. If your child has any specific needs/fears/allergies, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to make camp a wonderful, enriching experience for each child.

We may add more camps into the fall, and winter, as inspiration and openings arise! Join our email list to see the updates.

What to know:

  • Equip your kids with close toed shoes so they can participate in the livestock and ‘off the path’ events.

  • 20 kids max per class. Let’s keep it personal!

  • Rain or shine. We can find lots of fun things to do if it’s raining. It just might deviate from our original plan.

  • Prep your kid to NOT open gates, chase chickens, touch electric fences, or climb equipment. We are a working farm, and if your child has trouble following instructions, please stay with them. We reserve the right to remove disruptive children, but let’s prep them and plan for success!

  • The price of the class reflects materials, refreshments, and the highest quality education we can muster up. Depending on the class, your child may be coming home with samples of cheese, butter, soap, woodsy creations, dyed fabrics, bread, produce, projects, and whatever else we find ourselves delving into!

  • Please give us a two week notice if you need to cancel. Anything closer than that is nonrefundable, as we have specific curriculum prepped for each registered child.